Viviana Ritacco

Viviana Ritacco, MD, PhD



Viviana Ritacco was born in 1947 in Lujan, Argentina. In 1971 she obtained the MD degree at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She trained as a resident in internal medicine in CEMIC, Buenos Aires. She performed teaching activities on histology at the University of Buenos Aires (1971-1978) and microbiology at the University of Lujan (1988-1992).

In 1974, Viviana Ritacco initiated research activities as a fellow of the Academy of Medicine of Buenos Aires and was engaged in projects on immunopathology of two endemic infectious diseases, Argentine Haemorrhagic Fever and Chagas disease.

In 1986 she started research on tuberculosis at CEPANZO, a former PAHO/WHO center later known as INPPAZ. She obtained the PhD degree on Medical Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires in 1993 and was appointed Scientist of the National Research Council. Since 2001 she has been working at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Argentina.

In 1995 Viviana Ritacco became a member of the Tuberculosis Research Network for Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe (RELACTB).

Her primary field of work involves applied research related to the management and control of tuberculosis. Other interests are molecular epidemiology of mycobacterioses and systemic fungal diseases.

Viviana Ritacco MD, PhD Scientist, National Council for Scientific Reaseach (CONICET), Argentina Servicio de Micobacterias Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas Carlos G. Malbrán Av. Vélez Sarsfield 563 (1281) Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA Tel/Fax: +54 11 4302 7635